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Catch a direct flight from Sucre to La Paz, the fastest and most comfortable way avoiding a 12 hours bus ride. This flight is operated by BoA Airlines (Boliviana de Aviación). Flight schedules change from day to day but as a general guide there are four flights per day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.


Catch a direct flight from Sucre to La Paz, the fastest and most comfortable way avoiding a 12 hours bus ride. This flight is operated by BoA Airlines (Boliviana de Aviación). Flight schedules change from day to day but as a general guide there are four flights per day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.

The morning flights usually leave between 10.30 and 12.00. The afternoon / evening flights leave at around 15.30 / 16.00 and then 17.30 / 18.00. When booking we ask you to request a particular time range and you should put in an approximate preferred time in the notes section so we can book the closest best time for you. Of course you can also just ask us for the schedules for your particular dates and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please also note that whilst the flights are scheduled daily the airline can change this at short notice, we do our best to inform customers as soon as any changes are made.

  • Flight from Sucre to La Paz (BoA Airlines)
  • Transfer to or from airports
  • National airport tax (15 Bs - subject to change)

Classes, pricing and booking - BoA (Boliviana de Aviación) sell seats on its flights as a number different classes (from cheapest to most expensive): I - N - U - V - B.
All of these classes are exactly the same, no difference in quality of service, seats etc. whatsoever. They do this because regulations require them to sell in different classes. In general the cheaper classes are what sells first and then the most expensive B class sells last (for obvious reasons).
We offer you the option of paying for any class when you book. This is because we can only book the flight for you if we have received a full payment. So if you only pay for a cheap class and there are only seats in a more expensive class available for your chosen date we cannot book the flight for you and we will have to contact you to let you know and request additional payments. This can obviously cause a delay and might mean the flight fills up before we get everything sorted with you. For this reason we give you the chance to pay for the most expensive B class from the start. If any cheaper class is available we will book that one and refund you the difference, if just the more expensive B class is available then you have paid enough for that as we can book that for you without contacting you for more money.
It’s a bit stupid we know, but it’s the way it is and we think this is the best solution. You can also speak to us via our live chat system to check what is available before booking (this is the ideal way if your booking during our office hours) or you can send us a message through our support system to check. If your booking quite far in advance (say more than 3 or 4 weeks in advance) then it is likely that the cheaper classes are available.
Please note that for refunds if you pay with credit card it can take several days (usually 3 to 7) for you to receive the refund to your card. This depends on your card issuer/bank and is beyong our control. For Paypal payments you receive refunds instantly to your Paypal account.

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Booking Form


Fill in the required details and click "add to cart".You can then continue shopping for more items or click on the "cart" link at the top right hand corner of the page to complete your booking.


You must provide details for each passenger that you are booking for and also ensure that you change the qty box to show the correct amount of passengers that you are booking for.


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